Springroll Chicken Halal 16x640 gr HOA NAM

SKU : DV1615-3
ปอเปี๊ยะสำเร็จรูปไก่ HOA NAM 16x640 gr

3 items available
Product description

Ingredient :  Rice paper (rice flour, water, salt), halal chicken 32% (origin: France), pea vermicelli (cornstarch, pea starch), onions, carrots, fish sauce (anchovies, salt, sugar), flavor enhancer : E621 ; sesame oil, sunflower oil, garlic, pepper

Product Information  : A delicious filling of halal chicken and vegetables wrapped in traditional rice paper, ensuring the crispy texture and flavor of our signature spring rolls.

Consume hot and golden. Cooking time: 8 to 10 minutes in boiling oil (fryer) or 10 minutes in the oven

Country : France

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